Third World Programs
Mark Mullen MD. Uganda
This is a video created by Mark Mullen MD after his trip to Uganda to investigate and help the Pygmies of Uganda who were expelled from their ancestral home because they were depleting the species wild animals on which they survived for thousands of years. Unfortunately no provisions were made for THEIR survival, and their culture has been irreparably damaged. So the Ugandan government acted protect the precious wildlife but ignored the Pygmies. And yes they are genetically short of stature.
Kevin O'Fee MD Bangkok
This is the video created by Kevin O'Fee MD as a senior medical student at St Louis University Medical School after his mission to Bangkok Thailand in Feb 2019.
Clayton Southern MD Guatemala
This is a video created by Clayton Southern MD from the St Louis University after his mission to Antigua, Guatemala in 2019.
Sumit Arora MD New Delhi India
This is a video of the medical mission of Dr Sumit Arora to New Delhi in 2017. It shows a senior medical student who made the extraordinary commitment of going to the Third World for four weeks to learn. He is now doing an emergency medicine residency in Florida.
Cameroon Surgical program Program Bamenda Hospital
This is a video of the saving of a 29 year old African woman with supplies sent to Cameroon by the foundation.